Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

pangandaran beach

Pangandaran beach

Pangandaran beach is located on the southern coast of Ciamis district, precisely in the village of Pangandaran pananjung district with a distance of 92km south of the city Ciamis. according asiarooms Pangandaran beach is the best beach on the island of Java.

many features that ad on Pangandaran beach when we visited him, in Pangandaran we can see the sunrise and sunset sun from the same place, the presence of sand white, the availability of safe places to swim, there is a marine park with fish and marine life is fascinating., besides the beaches there are cave cave former Japanese army defense duku leave its hiding place in the Japanese soldiers who intended to attack the Dutch soldiers in World War II era.

to get to this beach only takes about 5 hours from the city of Bandung with route Bandung-Pangandaran-tasikmalaya. If coming from the direction of Central Java-Yogyakarta route could be through cilacap-banjo-Pangandaran. kuranh more about 385 kilometers.

around Pangandaran beach is also still available other attractions, namely green canyon and rock shark. location where they are still around Pangandaran beach

**from ::,indonesian/

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