Selasa, 12 April 2011


For those of you who bring anak2 toddler or elementary school, ride a boat to Turtle Island is an alternative option which can make them happy and have fun. Turtle Island is located in Tanjung Benoa village, about 25 minutes drive from Kuta. Named after the island turtle, because this location by the local people used as a turtle breeding. The story, animal turtle th 1990s era nearing extinction in Bali. Balinese people loved to eat turtle meat, because it tastes awful. Not to mention if there is a ritual at the temple, the Turtle is one of the sacrificial animals which must exist and must also be Lawar (Balinese food.) As a result, the turtle population experiencing a very drastic decline, even nearly extinct. The government then made the arrest and the ban on selling turtles for any reason. If it's for the ritual at the temple, only allowed for pura2 big and menacing great religious rituals, and only 1 head of a small pot.

Tanjung Benoa community before the rules were made already own initiative against wildlife conservation of sea turtles. Diareal there is a chance they arise in the form of sandy land which is surrounded by a swamp. At high tide, the land is covered by sea water. Chosen this place as a location TURTLE ISLAND
distinguished according captivity, because sea turtles essential habitat for life, unlike the turtle. Once again, the turtle is NOT THE SAME with Tortoise, very different. Turtles bite, not turtle at all. Food turtle meat, turtle only just seaweed. So the turtle is very very tame really. Turtle population in this location is increasing. During mating season, the eggs which have been saved by the citizens and incubated. Hatchlings (young turtles) who were 1 month, 50% of its kira2 released free sea. Maintained for the remainder was raised again. If disposed of all, this tukik2 likely to die of other predators prey to nature. After about 1 year old, half of the remaining 50% td which will be released alive back into the sea. The rest just kept to be used as broodstock.
To reach this location must climb the boat from the coast of Tanjung Benoa. The boat is a GLASS BOTTOM imaginable glass underneath. Prior to the turtle island, you will be invited to see the underwater scenery beautiful Nusa Dua distinguished, full of ornamental fish and coral. As he threw the bread which has been prepared by the boat driver, you will play with a wide range of ornamental fish here. Fish here just like bread, other distinguished hooked ga hehehe ... Once satisfied, the new road taken into beaten turtle island just 10 minutes. On Turtle Island, you will be guided by local residents as he invited to tour to see turtles imaginable. You are free to take pictures with the turtles of any reply here. From start seedlings until indukannya. Here also there are some other animals such as sea eagles, hornbills, bats, and snakes which are benign and can be held while you photographed. If thirsty, do not worry, young coconuts are available for you here. Before leaving the island turtle, your willingness in the form of donation is expected to help local residents buy food imaginable turtles. So ... Let's make friend with turtle ... ....


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