Selasa, 08 November 2011

The Poor and The Rich

We are aware that an adult now, most visible of the rich and the poor state the difference. Rich in prosperous circumstances. and what happens with the poor? They are staying with the pathetic state. either because the rich are more effort to do something, or because poor people are lazy to achieve something, then things will remain as well. Poverty has become a matter for each State. It has done a lot for any Government to eradicate poverty, but unfortunately sometimes there is no change, it was not simply false.
Based on the pictures that have been there, seen very little difference between children who are in poverty by top artists around the world, that is Justin Bieber. In this state the same age, they have different things. First, the song may already have good food, healthy, nutritious. What about that poor child? Maybe he's only once a year to get good food, healthy, and nutritious. Or even not at all. that their parents think they can eat on the day, no matter how big the content of carbohydrate, protein or whatever is in it. At least they've got their staple food, namely rice. Once I saw a family event that only eat food from garbage cans or ex-ex-food people. It's very, very sad. Where we could feel the food is clean, we see a woman who used to eat our food.

Secondly, in terms of education. Justin Bieber is clear already is assured that every level of higher education and that anything expensive. Any educational support, whatever fancy like that, he certainly could. Then, what about that poor child? It's very sad. bimereka can read and write very good. their parents make higher education expenses for their problems. For in Indonesia alone, already in the program selenggarakanya BOS (school operational assistance) for children of primary school and junior high school in gratiskan of all forms of cost, but they see themselves still do not care. Actually, children's education to ensure the child's future. How high the education of children is as high as the future they will achieve.
Thirdly, environmental factors. Environmental factors are clearly very, very different. Like Justin Bieber, certainly with people who are educated, elegant, clean and polite. Then what happens to the poor? Obviously bebeda. The poor man must be in an environment that is not educated, bad, bad state, dirty, etc. The language used was different. Sikaya using a language that would be more polite and pleasant, but not so with the poor, the language in use will be more likely to be rude and disrespectful. Sometimes kecilpun the age of the child already used such harsh words that not worth for an adult audience. The lack of parents dr learning is also a factor they like.

Then, one can conclude that the condition of the poor and the rich in today's very, very noticeable differences. There should be a serious answer. Because many of the victims died because of poverty. It seems strange at a time when large countries are currently still happened to poverty and hunger. People should understand that poverty is not due to factors which do not relate to the Government or both, but the actual failure factors create good things for yourself.

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